5 Medical Mnemonics that are Easy To Remember

3 min readJul 24, 2017

Today I wish to share with you the top 5 useful medical mnemonics compiled from our main website [1]. These 5 mnemonics can help you master the answer to some key questions. Obviously, many other people in the internet have already found it useful. This is the reason why I thought it would be best to share these secret tricks as a compiled article so that it’s easy to learn in one go. Oh, and it’s important that you visualize each of the mnemonic in your mind and learn it as pictures so that the learning becomes effortless and you can recollect it back very easily.

1. How to remember the functions of Kidney?

How to remember all the functions of Kidney like : Acid Base balance, water removal, Toxin removal, Erythropoesis, BP control, electrolyte balance, vitamin D activation.


You can remember using:


Acid Base balance

Water removal


Toxin removal

Blood Pressure Control

Electrolyte Balance

Vitamin D activation

2. How to Remember the 12 Carnal Nerves are Sensory Motor or Both?

Any mnemonic to remember which nerves from CN 1 through to CN 12 are sensory, motor or both?

Answer: To remember which of the 12 cranial nerves of the human body are sensory, motor or both. Remember the sentence:

‘Some Say Money Matters But My Brother Says Big Books Matter Most’

So the first word Some starts with a S indicates the 1st cranial nerve is Sensory. Similarly M stands for Motor and B stands for Both.

3. How to Remember the Parts of Small Intestine?

How to remember the parts of small intestine:

  • Duedanum
  • Jejunum
  • Illium

Answer: To remember the parts of Small Intestine, just remember:

I am DJ

This answer was submitted by Anirudh Sharma (claps), who imagines he is a cool DJ in his imaginary town.

I am — Illium
D — Duedanum
J — Jejunum

4. How to remember the Cranial Bones ?

Is there any easy way to remember the carnial bones: Occipital, Parietal, Frontal, Temporal, Ethmoid, Sphenoid

Answer: You can use this spell to recall the list of Carnial Bones very easily:

People From Thailand Eat Octopus Skulls

People — Parietal

From — Frontal

Thailand — Temporal

Eat — Ethmoid

Octopus — Occipital

Skulls — Sphenoid

5. How to remember the types and number of Vertebrae in Spine?

How can I remember that there are 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae.

Answer: It’s easy as just remembering the ideal meal timings:

Breakfast at 7:00 am

Lunch at 12

Dinner at 5:00 pm

Now to remember the type names :

7- Cervical — I usually have cereals for breakfast

12 — Thoracic — We have the breakfast and dinner connection covered so this the only one left. Hence not new connection required

5 — Lumbar — I slumber in bed after dinner

Combining the above two tricks you can easily remember the Spine consists of :

7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae.

Do want more mnemonics? Just comment on this article regarding the topic and we will definitely make one for you (totally FREE of charge). For more medical mnemonics you can also visit our main website: https://www.medicalmnemonics.info




Written by Spellogram

Tons of tricks to make you fall in love with learning English, Chemistry, Biology & Physics. Follow us and visit our website for tips & teaching resources!

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